Allotted homework time

Homework is a very important part of a child’s education.

Homework consolidates class learning and teaches the child the invaluable habits of self-discipline and responsibility.

Below you will find the approximate time allotted for home study by grade level.

Grade Level
Daily Time
Weekly Time


5-10 minutes

25-50 minutes

1st Grade

15 minutes

75 minutes

2nd-3rd Grade

30 minutes

150 minutes

4th Grade

45 minutes

30 minutes

5th-6th Grade

1hour, 30minutes

400 minutes

7th-8th Grade

1hour, 45minutes

500 minutes

9th-12th Grade


900 minutes

Grade Level


1st Grade

2nd-3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th-6th Grade

7th-8th Grade

9th-12th Grade

Homework may vary day to day

Weekly average

Both below average and exceptional students may find themselves beyond or beneath the listed ranges respectively.

Homeroom teachers

Responsible for regular monitoring the time students spend on homework. Parents who are aware that their child is regularly exceeding the allotted time should contract the homeroom teacher.

Homework submission

All homework assignments must be submitted before the first class of the day

Parents should submit notes excusing their children of homework before the first class of the day. These notes should be submitted via Parent Square to the teacher who assigned the homework. Students shall not submit their own excuses.


Student absence and making up work

Students are not required to submit homework on days they are absent. However homework should be submitted on the day that they return to class.

The following guidelines are observed for makeup work:

Students will be given one day more than the number of days absent to complete their makeup work.

Makeup work will be posted in the FACTS homework app.


Homework coupons are awarded to students for their academic success

Students may submit homework coupons to be excused of a homework assignment. A single coupon excuses one homework assignment. Coupons cannot be used for long term assignments, such as reports, for quizzes or tests. Homework coupons must be submitted before the first class of the day.

No more than one coupon may be used per subject within a week. For example, only one coupon may be submitted for math homework within the week, but in the same week, a student may also submit one coupon for history homework.